

Jake Wiskerchen

Jake is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, a National Certified Counselor, and owner of Zephyr Wellness. He is also a lifelong firearms owner and Second Amendment supporter, which makes Jake uniquely positioned to help bridge the gap and eliminate the suspicion between gun culture and mental health culture. He formerly chaired his profession’s licensing board in Nevada and authored multiple pieces of legislation to help advance mental health practice in that state. He also believes that Red Flag Laws are ineffective, unconstitutional, and only serve to keep people away from treatment.

Michael Sodini

Michael Sodini is a 3rd generation firearm industry professional and known by many as the “most un-gun, gun guy.” In 2006. After a series of unforeseen tragedies from 2006 – 2009, Michael eventually became President of Eagle. Over the last 13 years, he has successfully cultivated and evolved the Bersa, Metro Arms, and Grand Power firearm brands. The latest brand to be added to the Eagle family, Avidity Arms, is a partner-project with Rob Pincus, and is currently in the early stages of development before production. In 2018, Michael formed the Walk the Talk America initiative, a non-profit organization dedicated to making positive changes in mental health, and firearm awareness.